Mint Hill NC Chiropractor Explains Historical Moment in Chiropractic Care

I would like to present a unique historical moment in chiropractic care in our country.
A landmark study was presented in 1997 that had a profound impact on raising chiropractic awareness in the USA. The prestigious health care journal that published this article was known at the time as the Journal of Manipulative Therapeutics, or JMPT for short.
The results of the published study send it up best. “Based on the results of this survey, it seems that patients suffering from back pain and /or neck complaints experience chiropractic care as an effective means of resolving or ameliorating pain and functional impairments. Moreover, the patients surveyed demonstrated a high degree of satisfaction with the care they received. Numerous other studies have demonstrated that chiropractic is as effective, if not more effective, than conventional medical management of such complaints.”
This was a historical and impactful moment for the profession of chiropractic for two reasons. first of all, and extremely well respected healthcare publication made the statement that chiropractic treatment was often times more effective than medical treatment for certain conditions, and delivered effective relief with virtually no risk as compared to other medical procedures.
Second, this study stated that several prior studies actually showed that patients were more pleased with their chiropractic treatment experience than The conventional medical care they received.
This study supported what tens of thousands of chiropractic patients have stated for decades. chiropractic treatment feels good, and it works!
Take advantage of chiropractic care in Mint Hill at Charlotte Spine and Pain Relief Center!
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Charlotte Spine and Pain Relief Center
7215-A Lebanon Rd
Mint Hill, NC 28227