Real Answer To The Healthcare Crisis in America According to Chiropractor in Mint Hill NC

According to a top Mint Hill NC chiropractor, what is the real answer to the healthcare crisis in America? In my opinion, it is not technology. The real answer does not rely on the curing of disease, but on the prevention of disease. One of the best ways to prevent disease is through a healthy lifestyle. For many people, understanding what constitutes a healthy lifestyle is daunting. However, understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult.
steps to consider in Mint Hill NC
Here are some simple yet effective steps to consider to improve your level of health and well-being. First, eat well. Kick the SAD diet out of your life and replace it with a diet filled with fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, fish, and a moderate amount of whole grains.
Now for the second point. Exercise well. Exercising just 30 minutes three times per week will promote heart health, help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, build strong bones, and boost your immune system.
My third point is frequently neglected. Sleep well! Proper sleep allows your body to recharge and rebuild. Most cellular repair happens during sleep as well as memory assimilation of the day’s events. Most people need six to eight hours of sleep each night in order to function at their best. Children DO need more sleep!
My fourth point is live well. Believe it or not, kindness and love, as well as having a set of spiritual principles to guide your life, will help you to be healthier and live longer. Yes, the power of prayer has been documented!
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Charlotte Spine and Pain Relief Center
7215-A Lebanon Rd
Mint Hill, NC 28227