Accreditation Process for Chiropractic Graduate Schools Explained by Mint Hill NC Chiropractor

According to a top Mint Hill NC chiropractor, here are a few more points about the accreditation process for chiropractic graduate schools. The Council on Chiropractic Education or CCE, a nonprofit organization, has been recognized by the US Department of Education as the accrediting agency for chiropractic and has been setting the standards since 1974.
The CCE sets standards not only for curriculum but also for faculty, facilities, patient care, and research. Additionally, admissions requirements of chiropractic colleges as well as licensing board requirements are highly influenced by the CCE standards.
Chiropractic Education Explained by Mint Hill NC Chiropractor
For instance, undergraduate courses must include biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, psychology, English, and the humanities. All science courses must also have associated labs. More and more states require a bachelors degree in addition to a DC degree to practice in their specific state. This includes my current home state of North Carolina.
Next, I would like to briefly discuss the process of getting a license to practice as a chiropractic physician. Once a chiropractic student finishes graduate school, he or she still has to get licensed to practice. Every state in the United States, along with 30 countries, licenses and regulates chiropractic.
State licensing boards do more than simply proctor the state licensure test. Among other things, they also regulate postgraduate education courses, experience, and moral character, and protect the health, safety, and welfare of potential patients.
The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, or NBCE, a not-for-profit organization, is the principal testing agency for the chiropractic profession. Established in 1963, the NBCE develops and administers standardized national examinations according to established guidelines.
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