Top Mint Hill NC Chiropractor Provides Tips About Chiropractic Education

Top Mint Hill Chiropractor Kelley Helemendach provides a few more points about chiropractic education. The purpose of chiropractic education is to teach students to recognize and care for patients that are experiencing the effects of vertebral subluxation and disorders that are related to the neuromusculoskeletal system of the body.
Students also learn how to perform spinal adjustments in a variety of ways so that the nervous system functions at its optimal level.
Chiropractic Care Benefits in Mint Hill NC
Chiropractic promotes the wellness model of health. The essence of chiropractic is that the body has the innate ability to heal itself and resist disease processes as long as it is functioning properly with no interference. Therefore, in addition to chiropractic adjustment techniques, students study and learn a variety of other wellness ideals such as diet, exercise and nutrition.
It is true that the coursework is rigorous, but the students’ education does not end in the classroom. Students must spend hundreds of hours as an intern under professional supervision. The purpose of an internship is to ensure that those graduating with a doctor of chiropractic degree will have all the experience needed to provide safe and effective care to their patients.
Although some of the classes are different, DCs and MDs spend nearly the same number of hours in the classroom. Both MDs and DCs cannot practice without passing a licensing exam. And finally, to continue to practice, the chiropractor must take clinical continuing education classes.
There are approximately 20 accredited chiropractic colleges in the USA and about 20 other colleges worldwide. More than 14,000 students attend these colleges each year.
Let me take a moment to define the word accreditation. Accreditation is a type of recognition or status held or achieved by an educational institution. There are a number of nationally recognized accrediting agencies and associations that are reliable authorities on the quality of training offered by educational institutions. For the chiropractic profession, it is the Council on Chiropractic Education or CCE.
Call Charlotte Spine and Pain Relief Center in Mint Hill today to schedule an appointment.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Charlotte Spine and Pain Relief Center
7215-A Lebanon Rd
Mint Hill, NC 28227